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Лесопиломатериалы, прочее в Венгрии

33 объявления
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33 объявления
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Sell planks (boards) Ash
Sell planks (boards) Ash - фото 1
Sell planks (boards) Ash - фото 2
+2 фото
Sell planks (boards) Ash - фото 3
Цена по запросу
Ukrainian company sell ash boards Quality AB and ABC natural moisture and drying To get started, send a specification E-Mail: volynbiz & gmail com Продаем под заказ доску ясеня естественной влажности сорт АВ и АВС Для начала работы высылайте спецификацию. volynbiz & gmail com
+6 объявлений
27 мар 2024
Шукаємо соснові пиломатеріали розміром 5х10х300 см безперервно у фури.
1 €/м.куб.
Шукаємо соснові пиломатеріали розміром 5х10х300 см безперервно у фури. Запрошуємо цінові пропозиції з доставкою в Сайовелезд, Угорщина 3656. VIBER
+1 объявление
19 июн 2023
Timberwood export
110 €/м.куб. FCA  
опт 115 - 120 €/м.куб.
Под заказ. Доска, Брус , Сосна ель свежепил , сухостой дисковое пиление, Помощь в доставке, Пиломатериал экспортного качества* DAP FCA Bobruisk Hello dear partners. Our company sells on a regular basis, sawn softwood ( pine, spruce). Natural humidity and KD. When sawing wood we use band saws. The
+2 объявления
17 июн 2020
Сосна по выгодным ценам.
Сосна по выгодным ценам. - фото 1
Сосна по выгодным ценам. - фото 2
Сосна по выгодным ценам. - фото 3
Оптовая цена
260 - 275 €/м.куб. DAP
Поставка сосны из Украины, с эффективностью и надежностью в доставке. Наше предложение - 260-275 евро за кубический метр в зависимости от обьема, включая доставку. Наша цель - стабильность поставок и своевременность доставки, помогая вашим проектам следовать установленному графику. Мы всегда готовы
+1 объявление
19 сен 2023
Доска сосновая необрезная сухая
Доска сосновая необрезная сухая - фото 1
Доска сосновая необрезная сухая - фото 2
+2 фото
Доска сосновая необрезная сухая - фото 3
215 €/м.куб. CPT
Доска сосновая необрезная. Высушенная в камерной сушке и имеет влажность 8-10%. В наличии размеры: 30мм , 4.5 метра длина. Принимаем заказы на любые размеры необрезной доски. На 40 кубах ( фура) есть 3 куба столярной доски постоянно. Работаем с производством, мебельными фабриками, оптовыми
14 фев 2023
Цена по запросу
Шукає сушені хвойні пиломатеріали для виготовлення піддонів за тривалим договором на рік. Розміри: 20х100х2000 (3000,4000,5000,6000) мм та 18х100х2000 (3000,4000,5000,6000) мм. Якість: 1-клас, і 2-клас Вологість: 16% Контакти: -покупець (Угорщина) Péter -перекладач (Україна) Олександр
28 сен 2021
Sell - Sawn Timber (pine) 20х90х3000 - 4000(mm) quality 2-3
Sell - Sawn Timber (pine) 20х90х3000 - 4000(mm) quality 2-3 - фото 1
Sell - Sawn Timber (pine) 20х90х3000 - 4000(mm) quality 2-3 - фото 2
+2 фото
Sell - Sawn Timber (pine) 20х90х3000 - 4000(mm) quality 2-3 - фото 3
1 фор./шт FCA  
опт 60 - 65 €/м.куб.
Sell - Sawn Timber (pine) 20х90х3000 - 4000(mm) quality 2-3 grade - from 30 m3 to 150 m3 per month
12 апр 2021
We offer wholesale firewood from Belarus
We offer wholesale firewood from Belarus - фото 1
We offer wholesale firewood from Belarus - фото 2
+4 фото
We offer wholesale firewood from Belarus - фото 3
Цена по запросу
We sell firewood of technical drying from birch and alder 25cm or 33cm in 1RM, 1,8RM, 2,0RM boxes. Humidity up to 20%. We work on the terms of FCA-Belarus. Volume 1-2 cars per week. We can also supply firewood of natural moisture for the following species: hornbeam, oak, birch, alder. We also have
+1 объявление
30 июн 2020
Thermally modified wood
45 €/м.кв. EXW
I offer heat-treated wood. Thermoeasine, thermosens, thermosilver and other breeds of wood. Dimensions of thermomodified saw timber according to the order. Possible manufacture of final molded products: terrace, floor, facade boards.
+3 объявления
8 окт 2024
Lumber - фото 1
Lumber - фото 2
+2 фото
Lumber - фото 3
300 €/м.куб. FCA  
опт 265 - 285 €/м.куб.
We are selling lumber. If you are interested in this product, we can propose you fir and spruce lumber of a high quality. We are looking for wholesalers and long time cooperation. For all details please write here or in WhatsApp ) Fűrészárut árulunk. Ha felkeltette érdeklődését ez a termék,
+1 объявление
4 июл 2022
Asztallapács nélküli, szegély nélküli 25-30-50 mm-es asztal
160.34 €/м.куб. FCA
Nem szélezett deszka - a fatörzs hosszirányú fűrészelésével nyert deszka egy lépésben, amelyen a kéreg oldalsó szélei nem lesznek fűrészelt. Lemez éger 3 m, 2-3-as fokozat - 160,34 € / m³ Lemez éger 3 m, 2. fokozat - 186,44 € / m³ Lemez éger 3 m, 1. fokozat - 223.72 € / m³ Hárslap 3 m, 1-2-es
+1 объявление
5 июн 2020
Pallet board
Pallet board - фото 1
Pallet board - фото 2
+2 фото
Pallet board - фото 3
1 фор./шт DAP  
опт от 1 фор./шт
Hello, we are Ukrainian company. We are producing pine pallet boards 15*70/90*1000/1200 22*90/100*800/1000/1200 22*100*3000 Maybe you will be intertesting to work with us.
+1 объявление
29 мая 2019
Beam - sawn timber, dry beam
Beam - sawn timber, dry beam - фото 1
Beam - sawn timber, dry beam - фото 2
+3 фото
Beam - sawn timber, dry beam - фото 3
190 €/м.куб. FCA
Our company is engaged in woodworking since 1992. Manufacture is located in Ukraine (Central Europe). We offer high quality beam of pine, oak and spruce (sawn timber). You can buy a wooden beam of any size – from 20*20 mm to 220*220 mm and more, with a length from 1 to 12 meters. Also we can carve
+11 объявлений
28 дек 2024
Pine and oak saw timber – any size. Round timber – pine logs
Pine and oak saw timber – any size. Round timber – pine logs - фото 1
Pine and oak saw timber – any size. Round timber – pine logs - фото 2
Pine and oak saw timber – any size. Round timber – pine logs - фото 3
160 €/м.куб. FCA
Our company is engaged in woodworking since 1992. Manufacture is located in Ukraine (Central Europe). We offer round timber (pine logs), saw timber from pine and oak. All the products pass appropriate control, have certificates of origin and quality. The list of proposed timber includes: - beam -
+11 объявлений
28 дек 2024
Profiled beam for wooden houses
Profiled beam for wooden houses - фото 1
Profiled beam for wooden houses - фото 2
+2 фото
Profiled beam for wooden houses - фото 3
190 €/м.куб. FCA
Our company is engaged in woodworking since 1992. Manufacture is located in Ukraine (Central Europe). We offer high quality profiled beam for wooden houses of pine and spruce. Profiled beam - a modern building material that meets the requirements of quality, has good mechanical properties, flame
+11 объявлений
28 дек 2024
Cylindered logs for wooden houses (rounded logs)
Cylindered logs for wooden houses (rounded logs) - фото 1
Cylindered logs for wooden houses (rounded logs) - фото 2
Cylindered logs for wooden houses (rounded logs) - фото 3
190 €/м.куб. FCA
Our company is engaged in woodworking since 1992. Manufacture is located in Ukraine (Central Europe). We offer high quality round logs (cylindered logs for log houses) of pine and spruce. Cyindered logs - a modern building material that meets the requirements of quality, has good mechanical
+11 объявлений
28 дек 2024
Planed timber, moldings, molded products (Planed sawn wood t
Planed timber, moldings, molded products (Planed sawn wood t - фото 1
Planed timber, moldings, molded products (Planed sawn wood t - фото 2
+2 фото
Planed timber, moldings, molded products (Planed sawn wood t - фото 3
7 €/м.кв. FCA
Our company is engaged in woodworking since 1992. Manufacture is located in Ukraine (Central Europe). We are comprehensive manufacturer and produce wooden moldings: paneling parquet floor board block house baseboards and many other wood products. During manufacture planed timber is processed with
+11 объявлений
28 дек 2024
Wooden Wall Paneling
Wooden Wall Paneling - фото 1
Wooden Wall Paneling - фото 2
+1 фото
Wooden Wall Paneling - фото 3
7 €/м.кв. FCA
Our company is engaged in woodworking since 1992. Manufacture is located in Ukraine (Central Europe). We offer paneling, which we made of pine. It has a light yellow color and has almost no knots. The structure of this wood creates an unobtrusive, geometrically correct figure. On client request,
+11 объявлений
28 дек 2024
Оптовая цена
от 250 €/м.куб. FCA
Our company is a great and direct producer of edged/unedged beech sawn timber in West Ukraine. We can supply you environmentally friendly products, of good quality, in any desired volumes. We are ready for long and stable cooperation, if you are interested in it – please contact us or see all
+1 объявление
5 окт 2018
Commercial pine wood for exceptional prices
Commercial pine wood for exceptional prices - фото 1
Commercial pine wood for exceptional prices - фото 2
Commercial pine wood for exceptional prices - фото 3
Оптовая цена
260 - 275 €/м.куб. DAP
Reliable Supplier of Ukrainian Pine Wood – Efficient Delivery to Europe! We offer high-quality pine wood at an all-inclusive price of €260-275 per cube depending on quantity. Count on us for a steady supply and timely delivery, ensuring your projects stay on schedule. Reach out to us to explore how
+1 объявление
19 сен 2023
Board oak, beech, ash of those. drying 8-10% moisture
1 500 $/м.куб. FCA
The organization sells a board of oak, ash, beech, pine, spruce, alder, birch, natural moisture and technical drying with a humidity of 8-10%. Any sizes according to your specification. We also produce furniture boards, planed products and planed boards. All products are manufactured in modern
20 фев 2023
Sawn timber of pine.
Sawn timber of pine. - фото 1
Sawn timber of pine. - фото 2
+4 фото
Sawn timber of pine. - фото 3
Оптовая цена
от 190 €/м.куб. FCA
We produce sawn wood since 2006 year. Our company works expecially with pine. Any size and long. Disk and tape sawing depending on customer requests. Large volumes and export experience. It is possible to soak Sinesto B antiseptic by dipping. We are waiting for your specifications to make you our
30 мар 2022
Fűrészáru, tuskó, fríz fenyő, fenyő, vörösfenyő, bükk, tölgy Ukrajnából FCA
1 фор./шт
VUDMOST UKRAINE Kft. - fenyő, fenyő, luc, vörösfenyő, tölgy, bükk fűrészárut gyártunk .... Bármilyen méretben kivitelre készítünk fűrészárut, nyersdarabot, frízt megrendelésre. Saját fűrészüzemünk és szárítókamránk van. Egyedi bútorok és különféle tömörfa termékek gyártásával is foglalkozunk. Az
+4 объявления
7 фев 2022
Terasz deszka / Planken
Terasz deszka / Planken - фото 1
Terasz deszka / Planken - фото 2
+3 фото
Terasz deszka / Planken - фото 3
800 €/м.куб. CPT  
опт 1 200 - 1 500 €/м.куб.
Terasz deszka / Planken (Mix) osztály 0-3 szibériai vörösfenyő, Krasznojarszki terület. A szibériai vörösfenyő közvetlen európai importőre vagyunk, így kiváló minőségű fát kínálunk nagyon versenyképes piaci árakon. Az orosz belföldi GOST-okkal dolgozunk, tehát mindig egy lépéssel előre vagyunk a
26 авг 2021
Táblásított fenyő lapok
Táblásított fenyő lapok - фото 1
Táblásított fenyő lapok - фото 2
Táblásított fenyő lapok - фото 3
450 €/шт FCA  
опт 350 - 600 €/м.куб.
Panel dimensions and extreme tolerance limits Dimention Size, mm Tolerance Thickness, mm 18–60, Length, mm 2500–6000 Width, mm 200–1250
16 мар 2021
Cuttings for shovels, rakes, brooms, and more.
Цена по запросу
The manufacturer sells cuttings for shovels, rakes, brooms, and more. Material - linden and alder. Shanks planed and dried. Large volumes. diameters 24, 28, 38 ... mm. length from 1.0m. to ... 1.6m. We work for export
+2 объявления
5 янв 2021
Wood for pallets
Цена по запросу
We are looking for stable buyers of the board sizes 17-25 * 85-100 * 800/1000/1200. 1 and 2 grade, needles. Freshly sawn forest. Up to 170m3 / month. Disk sawing. We are located in Chausy, Mogilev region, Republic of Belarus
1 сен 2020
Edged pine timber
Цена по запросу
Good day! Our company is a direct manufacturer of lumber. We are located in Ukraine, Vinnitsa region We cut the pallet blank, timber, boards. Conifers. We cut on the disk equipment. Timber of multisaw quality. Tel, VibER, Vtsap Alina email:
+2 объявления
25 авг 2020
25 €/м.куб. DAP
A saját tűlevelű és keményfa termelésű technológiai chipeket értékesítjük. A kéreg tömege nem több, mint 15%. Rakodási hely Belarusz Köztársaság, Grodno régió, Mosty. Természetes páratartalom, frakció 20-50mm. A havi 10 000 m3 térfogat. 8 autó elérési útja. Talán az ár az FCA-19,5 Euro m3-es
12 авг 2020
Siberian larch
Siberian larch - фото 1
Siberian larch - фото 2
Siberian larch - фото 3
330 €/м.куб. FCA  
опт до 295 €/м.куб.
I will sell Siberian larch: sawn timber, edged board with natural moisture at a price of 295 euros per 1 cu. with bulk orders 23 cu. Shipment from Minsk. Delivery to your city is calculated separately.
23 апр 2020
Bükk tüzifa eladó
Цена по запросу
Eladó bükk tüzifa Kárpátaljáról. 33 cm hosszú/db. 1x1x1,8 m raklapokon. Van lehetőség hálóba csomagolni. Kb 40 m3/teherautó. Szállitási feltételek : FCA/DAP.
+1 объявление
15 июл 2019
Oak panel. Oak shield
Oak panel. Oak shield - фото 1
Oak panel. Oak shield - фото 2
+4 фото
Oak panel. Oak shield - фото 3
1 550 €/м.куб. FCA
Oak shield. Spliced (FJ) and tselnolamelny Dimension up to 1300 x 3000 mm Grade: AB, AU, BC, SS (Rustic) Any volume up to 200 m3 per month All products are made on German equipment Weinig
17 апр 2019
Beam, board, edged board
1 $/м.куб. FCA  
опт 1 $/м.куб.
Our company successfully works in the market of production of lumber and woodworking. The main activities of the company is the production, wholesale of lumber from wood: timber, edged board, board not edging, mounting rail. At the moment we offer a wide range of sawn timber. All the lumber
5 сен 2018
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